Who’s That Knocking at My Door? (1967)

On Friday, I talked about Martin Scorsese’s brilliant “debut” film (in 1973), Mean Streets. It was actually his second movie. The story is that his first one – Who’s That Knocking at My Door?– was considered to be clever but, in the words of John Cassavetes, “a piece of shit.”

As a filmmaker that has produced and directed three bad movies, I wanted to compare my first oeuvre, Killer Weekend, to Scorsese’s first. I was hoping to see similarities – the same sort of bad stuff that Killer Weekendhad. Alas, it turns out that Who’s That Knocking?, while not by any means a great movie, is very interesting in more than a dozen ways. And (in my view, at least), the product of someone that already had, at such an early age (31), a genius for making movies.