Kudos for Our Restaurant!

Two years ago, one of the founding partners here at Rancho Santana pitched the rest of us on opening a gourmet bistro in Managua, the capital of Nicaragua, to promote the Rancho Santana brand.

Normally I wouldn’t have considered it. Nine times out of 10, restaurants make for terrible businesses. But this was going to be run by BB, the F&B manager at the ranch. I knew how exacting his standards are. And the investment was modest. Plus, I imagined stopping there for lunch with K before heading off to the ranch. Maybe K and the kids did, too. We decided to chance it.

This morning, I got some news from that same partner. It turns out that our restaurant, Harvest, was featured in El Espíritu de América Latina’s 2020 edition of “Latin America’s 50 Best Restaurants” – one of only two restaurants in Nicaragua to receive the honor. BB noted that despite the recent hardships, we should be proud of continuing to represent our community and drawing positive news to the country.

Over dinner tonight (Thanksgiving leftovers), I’m going to try out some of the following fun Thanksgiving facts that Amaru scouted up for us.