“Microaggressions” and Other Dangerous Words

According to an article in Business Insider, there are 14 things you should never say at work (or anywhere else) because they are “indirect expressions of racism, sexism, ageism, or ableism.”

Here are some examples of these “microaggressions”:

* “You’re transgender? Wow, You don’t look like it at all.”

* “Oh, you’re gay? You should meet my friend Ann. She’s gay, too!”

* “My [female] boss is crazy.”

* “Where are you actually from?”

* “The way you’ve overcome your disability is so inspiring.”

* “Your name is so hard to pronounce.”

* “Are you an intern? You look so young!”

* “Is that your real hair?”

To read the article – which includes much-too-long explanations of why these words are offensive, along with suggestions of what to do instead – click here. (Spoiler alert: Most of the time, the suggestion is “Say nothing.”)


An Episcopal church in Manhattan is going the extra mile to insure its children feel protected from such dangerous words as “mom” and “dad.” Read the story here.