8 Worthy Thoughts About First Love 

I have a special home in the city of my heart where my first love resides. I didn’t build it. At least, not consciously. I found it many years later.

My first love was not my greatest love. Or my most enduring love. That real estate belongs to K. But that first adolescent experience of loving was deep and affecting. It lifted me up and it brought me down harder than anything I had ever experienced as a child.

When I think of it now, which is not very often, it has a special significance that I cherish. It comes to me like a small gift from the past, something delicate and valuable, something fragile but enduring. As a memory, it’s a gentle souvenir of not just a cherished someone else but of the younger, more vulnerable person I once was.

Dr Mardy – I don’t know who he is, just that he publishes a blog on quotations – says, “Our memories of the past can be quite sketchy, but there is one thing almost all people vividly remember: the experience of first love. Whether it happened during the relative calm of childhood or, more commonly, during the turbulence surrounding early adolescence, the experience of a first love seems permanently etched in people’s memories. In old age, when so much has been forgotten, there it is, ready to be recalled and experienced, generally with great pleasure, and often with a hint of sadness.”

Here is a selection of quotations about first love that Dr. Mardy uncovered from the past:

* “The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can ever end.” – Benjamin Disraeli

* “How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics
so important a biological phenomenon as first love?” – Albert Einstein

* “Among all the many kinds of first love, that which begins in childish companionship is the strongest and most enduring.” – George Eliot

* “When first we fall in love, we feel that we know all there is to know about life, and perhaps we are right.” – Mignon Mclaughlin

* “First love is a momentous step in our emotional education, and in many ways, it shapes us forever.” – Laura Miller

* “First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity.” – George Bernard Shaw

* “The first experience can never be repeated. The first love, the first sunrise, the first South Sea Island are memories apart, and touched a virginity of sense.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

* “We always believe our first love to be our last, and our last love our first.” – George Whyte-Melville