“My Writing Time Is Sacred, but Please Don’t Ask Me What I Did All Day” 

Brevity is a “non-fiction blog” that profits from giving wannabe writers a platform to write about how they wannabe writers.

It irks me (as an entrepreneur) because it’s such a clever idea. “For a modest subscription fee,” Brevity proclaims, “you can now consider yourself an actual writer by sending us the occasional note about your struggle to get published or simply to get some writing done.”

Its subscribers are mostly “memoirists” – i.e., people that believe they have “a book inside” them.

This is a large audience. In the US, I’m guessing it’s about 30 million.

So kudos to Brevity for pandering to this audience.

As someone that actually writes for a living, however, Brevity irks me in another way, which is humorously expressed in this essay, published in Brevity, but written by an actual writer.