EF and the Car 

EF says he needs a new car. The one he has now is getting old, and he’s afraid it will soon be breaking down.

EF is one of the four full-time people that maintain Paradise Palms, the botanical garden I’m developing in West Delray Beach. He’s a good, skilled worker and he is a valuable part of our team. He can operate all the equipment: the tractors, backhoes, ditch diggers, etc. He’s also reliable, punctual, etc. He is married with two young children. His after-tax pay is nearly $50,000 a year.

“What sort of car are you thinking of?” I ask.

“A jeep,” he says.

“Wouldn’t an SUV be better for you and your family?”

“No. The jeep I want will be good.”

“What kind of jeep is that?” I ask.

He shows me an image. It looks like a military vehicle.

“Wow!” I say. “How much is it?”


“Dollars? US dollars?”

He nods.

I smile.

“Are you joking?” I ask.

He smiles back. “No, I’m not,” he says.

I’m still skeptical. I look at him sideways. “I didn’t even know it was possible to spend that much on a jeep,” I say.

“I found one,” he says,

To be continued…