“Really appreciated seeing your Friday post. A terrific message that I wish others would embrace. We each need to advocate for ourselves…. Keeping you in our hearts and prayers!” – MB

“Talked to SM today… and he explained what happened. I was shocked… and sad. I explained to him that all of us BJJ copywriters are like your bastard children… some directly, some with a degree of separation…. but you’ve taken such good care of our community… so, for our community – I wanted to say thank you.

“SM then told me about how he mother-henned you – and talked about the taking a break from Jiu jitsu… or stopping altogether. I told him, ‘Absolutely NOT! There are so many ways to train safely… that stopping would be ridiculous.’ I explained that I couldn’t imagine my life without BJJ – that I would feel lost – and I’m going out on a limb that you would too. So, pardon my French, but… FUCK that!” – SM

“I feel in my gut that you will come out of this on top. It is scary and challenging; in both instances, you seem to rise above. However, there is also the unknown and the part that’s out of your hands. Hold your hope and faith. I’m thinking of you.” – BM

“Sending you positive energy for a full and quick recovery.” – EN

“I love your blog, Mark. I’m so happy and relieved you’re back! You look great.” – JG

“Soo happy to hear that you’re on the mend – how scary! Glad you were surrounded by people who pushed you to go get checked out that day. Hope you’re taking it easy & recovering (though… I doubt that’s in your DNA – to ‘take it easy’).” – KS