Emails about my surgery keep coming. (I’ll be answering as many as I possibly can personally.)

As always, I’m happy to say, I’m also getting requests for my help/advice. Like this one…

“Ever since I completed AWAI’s direct-response copywriting program, I’ve been itching to ask you something… If you were just starting out in direct-response copywriting today, what would you do to ‘make it’? I know I have writing talent, and I think I could be a good copywriter (maybe even great), but I lack guidance. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.” – CI

My Response: There are two things you can do as a student of advertising copy. After you’ve completed your AWAI coursework and feel that you have mastered the basic concepts and understand the sort of copywriting you are good at and like to do, find an entry-level job. Either as a researcher or junior writer for an established copywriter or as an employee at an advertising company or in the advertising department of a large business.

Then commit to spending two years working at least 80 hours a week on your skills. If you can’t commit to that, you should look for other work. If you commit to it but fail to keep your commitment, you’ll know that you don’t have what it takes. If you commit to it and keep your commitment, you will be ready… and the big, wide world of copywriting will be your oyster.