The COVID Response. What We Got Wrong.

The Final Word on Wearing Masks

A friend of mine, whose spouse has COVID, has been told by his daughter that if he wants to see his granddaughter, he must wear a mask. Another friend insists that anyone who may have been near this woman, must mask up. Talking about this to K and her sister G last night, I said something like, “But everyone knows that masks don’t work.”

And then I got an earful.

“Save your conspiracy theories for your blog,” they told me.

So here I am.

I wrote about the ineffectiveness of masks in the Dec. 20 issue I provided further proof Feb. 10.At that time, I felt that the studies I cited were more than enough to embarrass the CDC, the Biden administration, and the media for promoting them as effective safeguards for so long. Instead, they’ve been walking back their misinformation, one step at a time.

Their narrative continues to be: “We were just reporting the science as we knew it then.”

Which is a bald-faced lie. The data and the analytics have been there since day one. And now, a newly released report – the most rigorous and extensive review of the scientific literature on masks – concludes that there was never any scientific evidence that masks reduced the spread of COVID. Neither surgical masks nor N-95s. Not even a little.

Click here.

If you don’t have time to hit the link and read the report, at least take a look at the following graph. It tracks the results of the experiment that occurred across the US in the first two years of the pandemic, when mask mandates were imposed and lifted at various times in 39 states.

The black line shows the weekly rate of COVID cases in states with mask mandates that week. The orange line shows the rate in states without mandates.

As you can see, the trajectories are virtually identical. And if you add up all those numbers, the cumulative rates of COVID cases are virtually identical, too. So are the cumulative rates of COVID mortality. (The mortality rate is actually a little lower in the states without mask mandates!)