The Penalty for Rape in Canada Is… What? 

Ever since Justin Trudeau became Canada’s leader, he’s been showing the rest of the world what it looks like to advance the sort of woke political agenda that is just getting underway in the US.

One of his party’s key aspirations has been to dramatically lower the number of Canadians that are imprisoned. And they have made progress. Mostly by changing the criminal code. Many of the crimes that were considered felonies are now treated as misdemeanors.

How far have they gone? How about giving convicted rapists ankle bracelets instead of sending them to jail? Check it out here.

It’s Happening Faster and Faster! 

I wrote about the rapidity of AI development in the Feb. 24 issue. I said then that it is advancing faster than I believed possible. Here’s a short talk by Jordan Peterson on this topic that will probably scare you.

Our New Aviation Tsar! 

The most obvious problem with making equity (equal outcomes) a top criteria for hiring is that, sooner or later, you are going to be forced to hire unqualified people. This was hilariously obvious in the Biden administration’s recent appointment of a new Aviation Tsar. Watch this clip of Ted Cruz hammering the guy and answer this: Are you comfortable knowing that he’s the one that will be determining aviation safety standards from now on?