From PT:

“It must feel good to know that you have an audience that includes people as old as I am (I’m your age), but as young as the 14-year-old kid that wrote to you in the Mar. 9 issue.”

My Response: It does indeed. I have no idea how young people find my stuff, but I’m so flattered and so happy and so humbled when it happens.


From JM, re my recap of my Oscar picks in the Mar. 14 issue: 

“I must admit you know a shitload more about either movies or the way the Academy votes than I do. Well done!”

My Response: Sometimes right. Sometimes wrong. Never uncertain. Because I was going to write about the Oscars, I had to watch the broadcast in its entirety. I had never done that before. Because I had to watch it in its entirety, I was sipping tequilas throughout. Because I was sipping tequilas, I could not resist touting my track record. Had I done poorly, my recap would have never made it into the issue!


From BF: 

“Don’t stop the COVID pieces. People need to know the truth about the campaign of disinformation that took place for the last three years. You need to get on the ‘insurrection’ narrative next.”


From TS: 

“I agree with your comments about statins. (Most of us natural health wackos are against them.) Here’s a vid from an open-minded MD on statin issues. He cites the research as well.”