Collectible Investment Secret

Middle Age Crisis + Wealth = Peak Values 

I’ve written a fair amount about investing in collectibles. But one thing I don’t think I ever mentioned was an ingenious strategy I learned from one of my favorite investment analysts: Steve Sjuggerud.

Many years ago, he pointed out that there is one area of collecting where future values are nearly guaranteed. Because things that are considered cool by teens and preteens often become even more desirable when they’re adults.

I’ve found this to be pretty much true. When I was in my 50s, for example, the top collectible cars were the 1950s Corvettes and Thunderbirds that I admired as a teenager. Ten years later, 1960s and 1970s vintage cars rose to the top of the bidding ladder. And today, sports cars from the 1980s are hot.

The same is true of many collectibles. Click here for an article from The Hustle about collectors that spend big bucks on Hot Wheels.