Trump’s Impending Arrest

Is That a Good Thing?

Many of my friends and relatives are overjoyed by the prospect of seeing Trump arrested in New York. This is reminiscent of how they felt, early in Trump’s presidency, when they were confident that he would be impeached and even convicted of “colluding” with Russia.” Nothing, besides thousands of man hours and tens of millions of dollars in fruitless research and wasted Congressional attention, came of that charge. Based on what I’ve read about Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan DA that is going after Trump, and the statutes he is claiming Trump violated, I don’t believe anything will come of this case either. It may not even get to trial.

What Trump’s foes hoped would come from it was a derailment of his presidential campaign. Given the strength of Trump’s ego and the passion of his fans, that doesn’t seem likely. The case might, as some have suggested, even boost his chances of winning by turning off centrist voters that see Bragg’s effort as an obvious and tawdry political ploy.

My bet is that this is going to blow over. But if Bragg is able to get an indictment and actually bring Trump to trial, it will set a precedent that will likely hurt Democrats in the future.

Just as the Republican majority in Congress is investigating the Hunter Biden/ Russia & Chinese collusion story in retaliation for the Trump/Russia collusion story, our political culture could easily mutate into one in which partisan DAs will routinely charge ex-presidents with who-knows-what to boost their own public profile.

Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, seems to have the same concern. In a recent radio interview, he called the lawsuit “politically motivated” and a “cancer in our body politic.” Click here.


Woke Report: “Oh. Gosh. I Guess That Didn’t Work!” 

 A transwoman, granted permission to serve her time in a female prison, has just been transferred to a male prison after getting two inmates pregnant!

Click here.


Institutional Creep in Public Schools 

The original idea of public schools was that they would operate “in loco parentis.” But now they seem to be acting “in loco status.”

Click here.