The COVID Response: What We Got Wrong.

Another Validated Side Effect of the Vaccines 

JM, one of my trainers and physical therapists, sent me the link below on a study about the relationship between COVID vaccines and the incidence of retinal vascular occlusion (RVO).

RVO is basically what I had prior to my stroke. It is a malfunction of the retina due to a reduction in blood flow from a vein or artery that connects the heart to the eyes. Though it can be caused by many factors, health officials noted a significant rise in cases since the vaccine mandate for COVID.

Initially, the US government and the manufacturers of the vaccines denied the possibility of a connection. To determine the truth, NPJ Vaccines, a research and publishing group that studies vaccines, did an extensive review of all the available data. After looking at the results of several large studies and adjusting for variables, they calculated that vaccinated individuals have a “significantly” higher risk of experiencing RVO than unvaccinated people.”

Check out the full report here.