Quick Bites: The “Voice of North Korea,” Bye Bye Biden, Bots in the Boardroom, the Return of the Panther, and a Lot of Hot Air
  1. I’ve started following a few vlogs and blogs from defectors from North Korea. Yeonmi Park’s is one of them. Click here.
  2. More fodder to support my Sept. 19 prediction that Gavin Newsom, not Joe Biden, will be the presidential contender for the Dems. You would have never seen this six months ago. Not even three months ago. Biden will step down soon. Click here.
  3. Who’s the new person in the meeting?Companies are starting to use AI tools as meeting minders, setting them to track how long a person has been speaking and then offer advice on pace, tone, and verbal flubs. Some workers are also using tools that record, analyze, and summarize what has been said, allowing them to skip gatherings entirely and skim the highlights. Click here.
  4. America’s most endangered cat could help save Florida. The panther is making a comeback, but a development boom threatens its survival. Click here.
  5. Photos from the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. Click here.