Three New Takes on America’s COVID Response 

* He Doesn’t Sound Like a Conspiracy Theorist! Dr William Makis, who has been labeled by Big Pharma as a conspiracy theorist, and whose essays on the mRNA COVID vaccines have been criticized as fallacious by “Fact Check” (a bought-and-paid-for Leftist lobbying group), talks here about increased reports of the harmful side effects of the vaccines. I don’t know enough about this hot, new argument. But, judging by his demeanor and his presentation, he doesn’t seem like a nutcase to me. What do you think?

* Professor Denis Rancourt on All-Cause Mortality. This research scientist has been questioning the information we’ve been getting from the government since the beginning of the COVID outbreak. Here, he talks about all-cause mortality rates and how they help us understand the debate.

* Diary of a Vaccine Devotee. If you are a big believer in the safety and efficacy of the mRNA vaccines, you won’t find this funny. But if you have doubts, you might enjoy it, as I did. (If you don’t know anything about the vaccine debates, be prepared. You may find this disturbing.) Click here.