Five New COVID Discoveries and Stories You Haven’t Heard About

Celebs dying! One of the COVID “conspiracy” newsletters I read occasionally is dedicated to keeping the public on top of the young actors, athletes, and other celebrities that have been mysteriously dying since the introduction of the mRNA vaccines. Matthew Perry (54) and Tyler Christopher (54) are just two of the more than 50 recent cases they’ve reported on so far. Click here.

Remember the ventilators? They were considered lifesavers in the early days of COVID. Now pretty much everyone knows that they did not save lives. In fact, there is good evidence that they made things worse, damaging heart tissue and elevating death rates. Here, Joe Rogan and Elon Musk talk about it.

Worrisome findings from two studies. One from Harvard, which found mRNA stuck in the hearts of people who died following COVID-19 injections, and a human cardiac PET study showing that positron emission tomography scans of the heart changed in almost everybody who took the shot. Click here.

Neurological complications. According to a recent study published in the journal Vaccines, almost one-third of individuals who received a COVID-19 vaccine suffered from neurological complications such as tremors, insomnia, and muscle spasms. Click here.

Was Trump, the blowhard, right? Ivermectin, the drug once called “horse de-wormer,” has been shown to be effective against COVID-19, as well as flu and RSV. And if that were not enough, it’s said to have cancer-fighting properties. Click here for five facts you should know.