Javier Milei [

A Big Surprising Win in Argentina for Javier Milei, a Self-Described “Anarcho Capitalist” 

In the last several days, Argentinians have been talking about almost nothing but the surprise victory of president-elect Javier Milei, an outspoken, sort-of Libertarian, on Nov. 19. Click here.

Argentina, as you probably know, has had some severe economic challenges in the past several years, as inflation has skyrocketed, making most Argentinians less able to pay for the necessities of life.

We asked our partner in Argentina for his thoughts:

“Yes, this is… a great ‘revolution’ for Argentina to have a Libertarian president. [Our country was] heading towards Venezuela and, magically, this guy appeared, won the election, and now he wants to redirect the economy towards Singapore! It’s totally crazy. If it were a movie, I wouldn’t believe it….

“The transition is going to be very complicated. We expect more inflation and loss of the value of the peso in the short term. But in the medium term, if things go well, inflation would have to disappear and we would have to either have a strong currency or use the dollar directly. But we need around six months to one year to see results.

“In the meantime, there is a risk that he will not be able to implement the reforms, because politicians and the unions will play against him. And if that happens, we will be back to square one.”