What If, as New Studies Suggest, the Alarmists Are Right?

Is There Anything to Be Done to Defeat “Post Vaccination Syndrome”?

In the Oct. 20 issue, I talked about spike proteins – projections on the surface of some viruses (including COVID-19) that facilitate the spread of the infection. In response, the body produces antibodies to fight the virus. Once the antibodies are made, the proteins are broken down so the body can get rid of them. The mRNA vaccines work by giving your cells instructions on how to make this protein to fight the virus if you later become infected.

But the spike proteins produced by the COVID vaccines are different than those produced naturally by the body. They don’t break down in a way that allows the body to get rid of them. Which is why, according to some experts, the vaccines have left about 15% of those that have taken them with some sort of medical problem. Click here.

Among the reported negative side effects of the vaccines are the late development of blood clots, myocarditis, and even cardiac arrest as long as two years after the vaccination was given.

So, what can we do to help prevent what is now being called “Post Vaccination Syndrome”?

While the media ignored this news and some government agencies refuted it, concerned scientists have been working on a way to detoxify the body of the “residual” contaminants from the mRNA vaccines. And on Aug. 25, the first detoxification protocol was published in the US medical literature. Click here.

In this clip, Dr. John Campbell explains and evaluates a recent Yale study on the negative side effects of the COVID vaccines. It is the first study I’ve read that used the term Post Vaccination Syndrome.

And if you are up for a technical explanation of the contaminants resulting from the vaccines, click here for the first of a two-part report by Sonia Elijah.