From JM, re my comment in the Jan. 2 issue that, according to several reports, women are more likely than men to have love partners before their divorce: 

“That also happens prior to a marriage. It is a survival strategy of not abandoning one ship before you have a different one to go to….”

From OM, a native of Nicaragua who is currently living in Florida: 

“A close friend of mine just visited Rancho Santana and he was stunned by the property and the beautiful community you built. The fact that you gave back to the locals by providing upward mobility to better their lives is a testament to who you are. Thank you.”

My Response: Thank you for your kind words. Of the many businesses and projects I’ve been involved in during my career, I’m especially proud of Rancho Santana (a for-profit resort) and FunLimón (a non-profit community center across the street from Rancho Santana). When I think that, 25 years ago, they were vacant land and cow pastures in one of the poorest districts in one of the poorest countries of Central America, it blows my mind.