Oh, boy. The Democrats have done it!

They’ve gained control of the executive office and both houses of Congress. This should be an interesting ride.

Will they re-regulate the economy, end fracking, and criminalize gender-specific pronouns? Will they pack the Supreme Court, end the filibuster, and mandate voting rights for criminals and illegal aliens?

Will they get us back into proxy wars?

Will the economy lift or falter or founder? Will unemployment rise? Will the stock market fall?

The only thing I can say with confidence is that our new president, his appointees, and our elected officials (from both sides of the aisle) are going to continue to spend money they don’t have and can’t possibly collect, even if they tax every working American 50% to 80% of their incomes, as some are hoping to do.

The national debt is about to soar. Commercial and consumer debt will follow. And not by billions, but by trillions.

When I look into my crystal ball I see lots of extremely expensive and astonishingly stupid experiments ahead of us – almost every one of which will fail.

But for those that have already planned for the worst, the next four years should be a high-speed cartoon movie of bureaucratic boondoggles, mad-cap appropriations, quixotic spending programs, and mind-boggling political and social initiatives that will keep us endlessly entertained.

Out with the old. In with the new!