California’s Nutty Scheme to Reduce Inflation… Huh??

Governor Newsom has a new plan to help Californians deal with inflation. He’s going to do more of what caused inflation.

Working with Democrats in the state legislature, Newsom announced a plan to send out $11.5 billion in inflation “relief” funds. Under the plan, residents making up to $75,000 would receive $350 apiece and $350 per dependent, with a maximum of $1,050 per family. Individuals making up to $125,000 would get $250.

The Wall Street Journal calls Newsom’s payola “street money,” or “cash that politicians dole out in return for political support to get out the vote

Speaking of Kooky California Schemes…

Caution: This is probably a media prank. It seems hard to believe. But the report is that the state has banned travel by state employees to 24 states because, as AG Robert Bonta explained, “they are deemed unfriendly to transgender people.”

Decide for yourself whether this is real. Click here.

Do Liberals Really Support Affordable Housing?

My liberal friends support the concept of affordable housing. So do I. But there is a cost to it that some are not willing to pay. Click here for an interesting look at why so many liberal cities don’t have enough affordable housing.

The Rise of Gru and the Gentleminions 

One of the biggest movies 4th of July weekend was Minions: The Rise of Gru. Ticket sales were nearly double the $65 million projections. A major reason for the movie’s success was a cult of teenage fans that attend performances dressed in suits and ties, applaud in unison, and then post videos of themselves on TikTok. As of July 6, there were more than 160,000 such postings.

Will social media memes like this bring teenagers back to movie theaters? Probably not. It’s almost impossible to engineer social media posts to go viral. But that doesn’t mean industry marketers won’t try.

Click here.