Re the article in the July 19 issue about auto makers, including Porsche, using the subscription model as a new sales tool, GM sent this in: 

Lyrics from End of the Line by the Traveling Wilburys:

Don’t have to be ashamed of the car I drive

I’m just happy to be here, happy to be alive

It don’t matter if you’re by my side

I’m satisfied

Re the latest news about Rancho Santana in Friday’s issue: 

“Love to read you on Facebook. I have spent 10 days in Santana enjoying the paradise you guys created and more and more appreciate how fortunate I was to be part of it. The place is magical, and just to sit in front of Rosada, watching a sunset and listening to the ocean while watching the big waves, lifts my spirits to continue living in spite of the age which advances whether I like it or not.” – MB

Re the Palm Beach Wealth Builders Club: 

“Several years ago I signed up for the Palm Beach Wealth Builders Club and have since lost track of how I access information. Can you help?” – MP

My Response: When I retired for the third (or fourth?) time several years ago, the Club was closed. But If you were a paid member, you would have by then received all the materials they published.

The one element that was meant to be ongoing was my twice-yearly update on my investment portfolio and occasional essays on investing. These, you now get for free here on my blog.