Sense or Sacrilege?

Often, if my glass of Cabernet is half empty and the bottle of wine I poured it from is completely empty, I open a different bottle and mix the two together in my glass. The object is to see if I like my own blend more or less than the wine in the bottles.

This often upsets those in my company. Particularly those that believe they know something about wine. Their reactions range from mild derision to visible outrage. The sort of reaction they’d get from me if I caught them mixing a fine, single-malt Scotch with Coke.

In response to their reaction, I usually say something like: “Hey! All wines are blends of one kind or another. This one in my glass just happens to be blended by me!”

Of course, as I remind you each time I post an issue, “Were it not for sciolism, I’d have no ideas to share.” So I was pleased last week to come across this little video lesson from the Bonner Private Wine Partnership about blending wines. Click here.