Building a Story Brand 

By Donald Miller

240 pages

Published Oct. 10, 2017

Donald Miller has a blog called “Story Brand” about advertising. He also has an advertising business. His USP (Unique Selling Proposition) is his expertise in creating simple, believable stories about… well, about USPs.

It’s a topic I’m familiar with. And a thesis I embrace. So, I was expecting to like the book. And I did. Miller is a good writer. By that, I mean he is a good thinker who can articulate his ideas clearly and concisely.

In Building a Story Brand, you’ll get plenty of good, individual ideas that will be eyeopeners for novices and reminders for pros. But you will also get Miller’s blueprint for how to write the perfect story brand. One that is simple, believable, and emotionally persuasive.

I recommend it for copywriters, marketers, CEOs, and anyone who wants to create stronger advertising for a business, a non-profit, or an organization of any kind.