True Story 

This happened Tuesday morning…

K: “Did you ever find the check for C and M?”

(C is our nephew. M is his new wife. I was supposed to give the check to them at their wedding, which was held at Paradise Palms. I wrote about the wedding in the Jan. 31 issue. Remember the above photo?)

Me: “No. I looked everywhere I could think of. I can’t find it.”

K: “Are you sure you didn’t give it to them?”

Me: “No, I’m not sure. I can’t remember anything anymore.”

K: “Did you check your pocket?”

Me: “What pocket?”

K: “The pocket of the suit jacket you wore that night.”

Me: “What suit was it?”

(K goes upstairs to look in my closet. A few minutes later, she comes down with check in hand.)

Me: “So, you found it!”

K: “No.”

Me: “No?”

(She shows me the check. It was for SB’s wedding, which took place in 2013!)

Me: “Oh, boy!”

K: “Exactly!”

Me (sheepishly grinning): “Gee.”

K: “No wonder we never got a thank you note!”

Me: “I guess I’ll have to write another check.”

K: “With interest!”