From MN, a friend and award-winning filmmaker, re the April 4 issue: 

“Great newsletter. Thank you, Mark. And such an important note about false confessions and the Innocence Project. My first documentary – 120 Years – which I made in 2018, is about an unbelievable wrongful conviction case in New Haven and the layers of corrupt policing and prosecution that produced that wrongful conviction and insulated it from legal accountability. I learned similar mind-blowing lessons about the extent of misconduct while making that film.”

Check out MN’s documentary here. 


From SL, re my Journal entry in the April 7 issue:

“Your connections to your high school buddies inspire me to reconnect with mine. No other people can help you remember who you were, for better or worse. Mine used to call me Latrine. Maybe that’s why most of us fall out of contact with high school friends, like in Stephen King’s Stand by Me.

“Good thing you have more recent friends, like me, who do know your generosity and loyalty.

“Keep writing my friend.”