The COVID Response: What We got Wrong.

The News You Didn’t See

Why Didn’t You Hear About This? 

This should have been breakthrough news. But you never heard about it because you get your news from the mainstream media.

At a congressional hearing on March 9, Dr. Redfield, the ex-director of the CDC, under oath, admitted that Fauci and the CDC knew that gain of function research was being conducted at the Wuhan lab. Not only that, but that the US government – including the DOD – knew about details of the leak that should have made it obvious to them that the lab-leak theory was not a conspiracy but a high probability.

Okay. Now you know. And by tomorrow, you can forget about it. Because if you mention it to anyone, they won’t believe you. And even if they do, they won’t care.

Click here.

On Top of It All, Wuhan Double-Charged Us! 

On CBS recently, Diane Cutler, a former federal investigator assigned to the story, admitted that the US was supporting the Wuhan lab. She added: “What I’ve found so far is evidence that points to double billing, potential theft of government funds. It is concerning, especially since it involves dangerous pathogens and risky research.”

From Meryl Nass:

“CBS News is here to tell us that not only did we fund the labs that were doing the COVID research that probably screwed up and released the virus that killed millions, but we got double-charged for it! The debate about COVID’s origins has zoomed past the pesky China issue and settled into a place we can all agree upon and enjoy: complaining about getting overcharged.”

Click here.

The School That Couldn’t Quit 

Nobody wears masks anymore in Florida. I mean nobody. In New Orleans, the mask-wearers are about one in 100. But during my long weekend in LA last week, that ratio seemed to be considerably higher. Maybe one in ten. And about the same percentage of stores and restaurants still require their employees to mask up. A few even ask customers to do it.

It makes me wonder: Is this a measure of something? And if so, what? Fear of dying? Political preference? Virtue signaling?

Interesting: There is a school in upstate New York that has taken this post-pandemic masking thing to a new level by mandating that their students wear masks outside!

Click here.