Don’t Judge Them! And Don’t Call Them Pedophiles!

Have you heard about the new class of oppressed and marginalized people? Unrecognized (until now) victims of societal prejudice?

They call themselves MAPs. An acronym for “Minor-Attracted Persons.”

Yes, we used to call such people pedophiles. But that is pedophiliaphobic. And pedophiliaphobia is, like transphobia, an evil outcome of White privilege and the male hierarchy.

Think I’m kidding?

In less than a half-hour, I found more than 20 stories of people – academics and psychologists, mostly – making the argument that, as one said, “They are one of the most misunderstood and vilified groups of people in America today.”

Here’s a study on the “myths” lay people have about pedophilia.

Here’s one from the National Library of Medicine.

Here, a prison psychiatrist tries to persuade inmates to be more sympathetic to pedophiles.

And, finally, there’s this from my favorite commonsense commentators on YouTube.


Don’t Store Your Moolah in Venmo! 

Obed, my computer guy, sent me this link that explains that any money stored with Venmo, PayPal, and CashApp does not necessarily have FDIC protection against bank failure.

Check it out here.