The Growing Problem of Homelessness in the US

The US experienced an astonishingly large increase in homelessness in 2022. It went up a record-breaking 11%, That’s the highest it’s been since 2019, when the increase was a comparatively modest 2.7%.

Some politicians and government officials are blaming it on the rising cost of housing and increase in evictions. That could be a factor, but it can’t possibly be the main cause. All the research I’ve seen indicates that somewhere between 60% and 80% of the homeless are drug-addicted and/or mentally disturbed. Moving them into shelters is at best a temporary solution because so many of them prefer to live in the streets. (And say so, when asked.)

My view: The homeless problem will never be solved until two things happen.

  1. We recognize that homelessness is not an economic problem but a mental health and addiction problem.
  2. We understand that homelessness is a very substantial, very profitable, multibillion-dollar industry, and that few people in that industry want to see the problem solved.

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