The Mysterious Math of Illegal Immigration

An unmarked white bus pulled up to an empty park in New Jersey in the wee hours of the morning. Out came about 50 recently arrived migrants. They had no idea where they were and no place to sleep that night.

The bus wasn’t sent by the borderline governors. It was part of an ongoing operation by the federal government, which has been dropping off undocumented immigrants in towns and cities all across the United States for three years.

San Diego, a self-declared Sanctuary City, has about a thousand beds available to accommodate bused-in migrants for several days until they can find another place to live. But in the past two weeks, the city has received an estimated 7,800 immigrants. So, immigration agents are leaving people on the streets, at bus stops, and in train stations, angering local officials and worrying aid groups.

Fact: There are 65,000 undocumented immigrants in New York City. Mayor Adams is calling it a crisis. But that is only one-tenth of 1% of the 6.5 million undocumented immigrants that have come into the country since President Biden took office.

We hear about San Diego and New York. But the numbers they report are in the tens of thousands, not the millions. Which begs the question: Where are all the other people? Who’s taking care of them and what is it costing?

Click here.


The COVID Pandemic Was Bad? You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet!

Kate Bingham 

Were you freaked out by the COVID-19 warnings and mandates? Did you trust Dr. Fauci? Were you angered by all the “fake news” suggesting that the “facts” issued from the WHO and the CDC were without merit? Did you feel virtuous in doing everything you possibly could to protect yourself, your family, and even the entire nation?

Was all that a great deal of fun for you?

If so, you are going to like what Kate Bingham, the former chair of the UK Vaccine Taskforce, is saying.

According to The Long Shot, a book she wrote about her experience fighting COVID 19, as well as interviews she’s given to promote the book, COVID-19 is small potatoes compared to the next pandemic that will soon be at your doorstep. I’m talking about “Disease X.” (I didn’t make that up.) It’s the name of a virus that she and others of her ilk (including Bill Gates) predict will break out in the near future. A virus 100 times worse than COVID-19.

“Imagine a virus as infectious as measles with the fatality rate of Ebola [67%],” she says. “Somewhere in the world, it’s replicating, and sooner or later, somebody will start feeling sick.”

Read more about it here.