Quick Bites: Young American Minds for Sale… Everyone Can’t Do Everything… Another Example of Inclusive Idiocy… So, You Don’t Believe in Book Banning… How Much Do You Know About Central American Geography?

* Qatar, the same country now protecting Hamas’s senior leaders, has donated billions to American universities. Here’s why.

* Everyone can’t do everything. Notwithstanding warm-hearted notions to the contrary, says Freddie deBoer, it’s not helpful to tell children (or anyone) that you can accomplish anything if you try hard enough. Click here.

* Another example of inclusive idiocy. Some genius at Victoria’s Secret thought it might be a good idea to improve the business by being more inclusive. Sort of the way someone at Bud Light did by making Dylan Mulvaney a spokesperson for a day. The strategy worked about as well as it did with Bud Light. Click here.

* Wait… What? Gov. DeSantis’s executive order allowing school districts to ban books that, among other things, include sexual content that they feel is inappropriate for children has been interpreted by some parents as a tyrannical attack on freedom. But when those same parents get a chance to read the content of the banned books, they usually change their minds. Click here.

* Travel Quiz: Central American Geography. I should have done better than 70%, considering how much time I’ve spent in Nicaragua and the other Central American countries. You can probably beat my score. Give it a try here.