From JM re my essay on “Political Culture in America” in the Oct. 31 issue: 

“You state, ‘So, yes, the two-tribe world we Americans now live in was sparked into life by the election of Donald Trump.’ I believe the reverse is the case. I think that Donald Trump’s election was the result of the two-tribe world. His election did not start it.

“He was promoted heavily by the media because there was no way Hillary was going to lose to this clown, an ugly representative of all the deplorables. The mockery was so transparent it got people’s backs up. Americans always love the underdog, but they also love a fair game. Hillary and the biased media elected Trump. In the aftermath of which everyone was forced back into tribal loyalty because of the flagrant abuse of formerly trusted government agencies. Failing to hand Trump a loss, they doubled down on their phony collusion hoax. The agencies we trusted for law enforcement and justice corrupted themselves in their effort to bring him down. Just as disheartening was the self-righteous preening of the best bull-shitters in the country, our Congress. In 2020, the political middle of the country had enough! Electing a ‘peace maker’ only to be made fools of again. Their peace maker turned into a senescent empty-suited front man for the left’s socialist movement.

“I honestly do not think Trump should be the GOP candidate because I do not believe he can win. He is so obnoxious. However, if the Dems continue to deny reality and insist on a two-tiered justice system, he may just get re-elected. Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.”