Quick Bites 

“Wow, big news!, AS write in a recent email. “They are changing the names of certain species of birds because their names are offensive. I don’t know about you, but I have had many sleepless nights knowing how harmful the birds’ names were to people. Our lawmakers will be grateful to be able to move on from the frivolous problems, like the border, the economy, and all the wars we are trying to get involved in.”

Really, AS? I looked it up. Yes, indeedy. The American Ornithology Society is changing the names of dozens of species whose taxonomy included the proper names of ornithologists that were in some way connected with slavery or, in one case, used the “n” word in his journals. After we “deracinate” this nomenclature problem, we can move on to a personal mission of mine: changing bird names that are offensive because they are sexist or just plain stupid – as with the Blue-Footed Booby…

Click here.

The Marvel franchise is in danger of blowing up their brand. That’s the view of my favorite independent-minded Communist, Freddie deBoer. Here, he writes about the trend of muscling up female leads.

It makes perfect sense. But I don’t think it will happen. Rand Paul is one of perhaps a half-dozen of our representatives in Washington that have a solid, fundamental understanding of economics. His call for an audit should be heeded. Click here.