Brian’s Amazing Weight-Loss Protocol

At our last Zoom meeting, I noticed that Brian had lost a lot of weight. In fact, he told me he’d dropped more than 100 pounds!

This is a guy that has always been heavy. But he’s also heavily muscled, so the weight never seemed unhealthy. Now that he’s moving into his 50s, he’s made a commitment to get smaller, and the transformation has been stunning. So much so that I assumed he had been taking one of those new and apparently very effective weight-loss drugs. But no, that’s not what he did. He just made a few simple changes to his diet (no sugar or starch) and added a bit of exercise.

I asked him to give me an example of a typical day. Here it is:

Early Breakfast – Coffee and a smoothie (40g protein).

Mid-morning Snack – A handful of almonds.

Lunch – A large salad with veggies/ quinoa/ beans/ hummus/ seeds/ fish (50g protein).

Afternoon Snack – An apple and a bit of natural peanut butter.

Late-afternoon Exercise – Four-mile walk, mixing in a bit of running to get heart rate up.

Dinner – Varies, but tends to be something like an Asian stir-fry with approx. 50g protein in the form of fish/ edamame and tofu.

Dessert – A spoonful of natural peanut butter.