Speaking of Fasting… 

Did you hear that several incredibly brave pro-Palestinian Harvard students went on a hunger strike to support some pro-Palestinian Brown students who went on a hunger strike the day before? The Brown students lasted 16 hours. The Harvard students’ hunger strike lasted 8 hours (the amount of time that 95% of the world goes without food every day of the year). Click here.

With my new one-hour, once-a-day eating plan (see my Journal article, above), I’m hunger-striking for 23 hours! I’ll have to decide which cause to devote that time to.

Another Fun List of Actual Bird Names

A few months ago, for your amusement, I provided this link to a list of real bird names that some people might consider to be offensive – e.g., the Blue-Footed Booby.

Here are 12 more from Merriam-Webster’s WordPlay: “Bird Names that Sound Like Insults (and Sometimes Are).”

Pictured below: the Twit-Twat