5 Quick Bites 

1. The hair whips are the best part! I took ballroom dancing lessons for about a year when I was in my early 50s. I managed to get to the level where I knew the basic steps and could execute the basic turns. At weddings, if I drank a bit too much tequila, I was on the dance floor all night. My approach to dancing was border-line macho, like the young man in this clip, but I wasn’t nearly as good as he is. Notice his partner, though. She is three times better!

2. How NOT to end soft pieces on the piano. This has nothing to do with anything I’ve ever experienced. And yet, I thought it was not just important in some cosmic way, but also beautifully illustrated. Click here.

3. Can you do the math? It took me a moment to figure it out. At first, I thought 45. But since it was a brain teaser, I knew that was wrong. Then I got it: “Divide 50 by half.” Click here.

4. Elle Cordova: Another YouTube person I’ve been liking. Most of her material is science-related, cute and clever, like this bit.

She sings, too! Click here and here.

5. We’ve seen it before, but it still warms the heart. Click here.