Corporate Labels

Remember the map of “The Biggest Government Employers in Each State” that I reproduced here on the blog a few weeks ago?

After looking at it, CF wrote in with some thought-provoking observations…

Very interesting to see Walmart as such a prominent employer in the country, a company much maligned and labeled as a perfect example of Greedy Corporate Capitalism.

I don’t have a precise definition of what an accusation like that means, but one of the things a company does that is noble, if just a result of the mechanisms of Capitalism, is they hire people.

We can see from this map that Walmart hires a lot of PEOPLE.

Although by contrast to the bad rep Walmart gets, Apple and Facebook are often credited with being GOOD/WOKE corporations.

Here is an interesting fact: The average profit per employee at Apple is $403,328 and the average profit per employee at Facebook is $411,308. In comparison, the average profit per employee at Walmart is $6,910.

Something to think about.