The Harsh Truth About Going Vegan

I once read a great book on the vegan/paleo debate called

The Vegetarian Myth

. It was written by  Lierre Keith, a self-described radical feminist and former vegetarian.

The Vegetarian Myth

covers four aspects of the debate: health, economics, environmental effects, and ethics. In every area, she argues that a meat-based diet is better.

I won’t say hers is the final word on the subject, but it was enough to make me feel like I should continue to eat meat.

Click here for more on Lierre Keith.

And click here to watch some guy – I don’t know who – ranting on about why vegans kill way more animals than do meat eaters. He’s a hunter. I doubt that he’s a radical feminist, but I do get the feeling that he read Keith’s book. In any case, I’m not recommending this video to persuade you of his argument. I just thought the presentation was funny.


Bad Advice from America’s Royal Class 

One of the most irksome bits of advice, stated repeatedly by successful athletes and entertainers, is to “follow your dream.”

This is dumb. So dumb, I won’t insult your intelligence by explaining why. I will leave it to Charles Barkley, here


How Many Friends Do You Really Need?

I was talking to a friend about friendship. He was wondering if I felt I had too many. He felt he had too few. 2My opinion is that the “right” number is “more.”

But is there a right number? Check out this article from The New York Times and let me know what you think. 


Was Caroline Ellison Nuts?
Caroline Ellison, the “casual” girlfriend of Samuel Bankman-Fried, is analyzed by Dr. Todd Grande in this video. I subscribe to Grande’s website out of some inexplicable and indefensible fascination with his soporific speaking style. Watch this only after taking amphetamines.