Sean’s 100% Guaranteed Market Predictions for 2023 

I’ve told you about Sean MacIntyre. He and his partner, Lindsey Hough, are running a personal finance business called DIY Wealth. It used to be called Creating Wealth, and I used to be its guru. Sean is the main man now, and that’s great for his subscribers. Because he’s very smart, but also honest, thoughtful, and funny!

Lindsey posted a video of Sean’s economic and investment predictions for 2023 last week. As you will see, he isn’t a big believer in prognosticating. But he does his best to explain some of the economic and financial fundamentals that are very likely to affect investments in 2023. If, like me, you are an amateur investor, you’ll find a lot here that will be edifying. One particularly interesting point that I intend to look into is about the proposed 15% minimum tax rate for corporations. If, as Sean says, this becomes a real thing, it could drastically depress earnings per share in 2023.

Check out the video here and let me know what you think. Is he right on or am I just a fanboy?