Is Biden Being Betrayed by His Own Party?

Are you ready for a new conspiracy theory? Something topical and wild? Something completely unbelievable? Something I’m sticking my neck way out to predict? Yes? Okay. Here goes…

When Biden announced that he was going to run again in 2024, he did so because the Democratic leadership felt that his saying so would give the party the sense of stability it needed to do well in the midterm elections. And they did do well.

But that doesn’t mean they wanted him to run in 2024. I don’t believe that the party leaders had any intention of getting him reelected. I don’t believe they thought he had a chance in hell of beating Trump or, worse for the Dems, someone like DeSantis.

But there was another, perhaps more important, reason they didn’t want him to run. They knew very well (as even the mainstream media knows now) that Biden is highly likely to be seriously tainted by the investigation of his son’s laptop. It’s not all the bad behavior. It’s the millions of dollars Russia, China, and the Ukraine paid this helpless halfwit to advise them on matters about which he had no understanding. (“Ten percent goes to the big guy,” Hunter is recorded as saying to one of his sponsors.)

So here’s a question: 

Can anyone seriously believe what’s going on with the classified papers in Biden’s office and garage? Everything about it smells fishy. Can anyone really believe that these papers were discovered by his own staff… that they held on to them for months until the midterms were over… and then suddenly turned them over to the Justice Department and made the announcement to the press?

I mean, really?

We know why they held on to them until after the midterms. (See above) But why make a public show of turning them in?

I believe it is because it was the perfect solution to the mounting problem of the laptop scandal. I believe it was done to allow or force Biden to resign from office before he and his son could face criminal charges. By resigning, the classified-documents charge disappears and Biden gets to step down from a job even he knows he can’t handle. Having been sated, the Republicans may then loosen up on their laptop investigation and allow him to go down in history with just a smudge on his record rather than as the president who went to jail. Best of all, it gives the Democratic party the opportunity to install Gavin Newsome (or someone close) as their 2024 candidate instead of facing the impossible task of trying to get Kamala elected.

And there’s a cherry in it for Trump. As the quid pro quo for dropping Biden’s classified documents investigation, Trump’s would be dropped, too.

I know. This sounds completely crazy, right? Nobody in Washington is capable of such skullduggery. And Biden wouldn’t stand for it.

But it explains why, for the first time in two years, while the dumbos on The View explain to their dumbo audience that Biden’s documents problem is nowhere as serious as Trump’s, the mainstream press is going hard at Biden.

What Will Happen Next? 

Here’s what I think. In the next few weeks, the mainstream media’s assault on Biden will accelerate. And the battle will expand to critical editorials and interviews with liberal analysts and other left-leaning notables.

The interviews will go like this: Early salvos about the bad judgment of Biden re the classified documents. Then a pivot to other questionable judgements he’s made, including his handling of COVID, the evacuation of Afghanistan, the state of the economy, and his position on energy.

That should be enough to get pretty much the entire Democratic constituency to accept the new narrative about Biden – that he has a good heart but a quickly disintegrating brain.

And then he will resign.

Click here to watch an early example of what I’m predicting. It’s an interview with a former Clinton appointee and a staunch Democrat. Tell me if this isn’t a set of questions orchestrated to feather the bed for Biden to retire.

He begins by acknowledging that Biden is culpable for the classified document scandal, and then praises Biden’s flunkies for turning him in. He goes on to list a half-dozen “problems” that Biden and team will face if he runs in 2024. He points out that Biden has only 40% support in his own party. And then – the coup de grâce – he admits to the terrible truth: Joe is really, really old!