The COVID Response. What We Got Wrong.

Part IX: China’s Bogus Claims

In my last two blog posts, I wrote about how the WHO and the CDC rigged the records to exaggerate the number of COVID hospitalizations and deaths by 70% to 90% – and how the undercounting of cases, especially in the first 12 to 18 months, meant that the case fatality rate was probably less than 1%. Perhaps even in the same range as the common flu.

It was obvious to me back then that the case fatality rates were bogus. But an even more ridiculous falsehood that was promoted by the mainstream media (and touted by many politicians) was China’s COVID death count. Until very recently, when the total in the USA was 1.2 million, China’s reported death count was 5,000!

Imagine that. A country of 1.4 billion people – four times more than the US – having only 5,000 COVID deaths. It was absurd. Even if you believed the preposterous notion that lockdowns reduced COVID death counts, how you possibly believe that they could reduce them by 99.9999%?!

And yet, millions of people, including most of my educated friends, believed it. (Some still do.)

In the past month or so, China has been reporting a surge in COVID that has brought their case count to more than 2 million. But they are still telling the US media (and they are still buying it) that their total deaths so far have only been 5,273!

Click here for a report on the scope of this surge in cases, as well as the attempt to cover up the associated deaths.

And just so none of my readers will waste their time “informing” me that there are a few estimates that the actual count of COVID-caused deaths in China is about 60,000, that number is statistically equal to 5,273 when you measure it against the Chinese population.

There will be people that read this that believed the old reports from China and still believe China’s official explanation of their recent surge in cases. The CCP is saying that the surge was the result of relaxing their zero-tolerance lockdown strategy in response to widespread protests. And that almost all of those that got sick were unvaccinated.

Both statements are obviously false. If I didn’t have to go to dinner now, I’d take the time to explain why. Instead, I’m going to ask anyone who disagrees to go back and re-read the bits I wrote on Dec. 6 (the “pandemic of the unvaccinated”) and Dec. 9 (the lockdown idiocy).

In the next installment of this series, I’m going to explain an anomaly that puzzled me for a long time: Why it is that some poor, poorly regulated, and generally unhealthy countries, including most African countries, have a much lower COVID death count than the US, Europe, and other advanced countries.