Global Superlatives: The World’s Most Extreme Countries 

Though it’s always more rewarding to read essays that go deeply into a subject rather than widely and superficially, I can’t resist reading listicles. And sometimes, I run into one that has some very satisfying surprises. Like this one from a website called KiteKey.

For your amusement, I’ve turned it into a little self-quiz.

Test Yourself 

Which country has the:

  1. Longest life expectancy?
  2. Highest personal net worth?
  3. Largest GDP?
  4. Fastest growing economy?
  5. Largest military?
  6. Most languages?
  7. Happiest citizens?
  8. Least corrupt government?


  1. Japan (85 years)
  2. Monaco
  3. United States
  4. Guyana
  5. China (2 million active-duty soldiers)
  6. Papua New Guinea (840)
  7. Norway
  8. Denmark