Here’s a Great Idea… From the People that Brought the World Four Years of Economic Destruction, Social Polarization, and Global Hysteria! 

Rather than apologizing for all the misinformation and bad advice it has given the world re the COVID pandemic, the WHO is doubling down with a new set of proposals that will give it more power to mandate shutdowns, dispense unfounded safety protocols, promote drugs that don’t work and criticize those that do, and (most disturbing) control speech among all its members. The US is a member. Which means our free speech rights could be subordinated to the unnamed bureaucrats of this busybody international organization.

But wait! There’s more!

Besides giving themselves much more power, the new proposals will alter the fundamental mission of the WHO. In a draft of the proposal, the phrase “with full respect for the dignity, human rights, and fundamental freedoms of persons” has been deleted and replaced by “equity, coherence, and inclusivity.”

Where have we heard that before?

You can read more here.