The COVID Response: Are Vaccines Bad for the Brain? Or Is This Another Conspiracy Theory? 

One of the claims made against COVID vaccination is that it can cause a variety of mild to deadly brain problems.

I’ve already suffered three of the possible side effects. I had an ischemic stroke, an optic nerve problem, and hand tremors. (Which can be manifestations of MS.) And while I want to believe that they were caused by other things (smoking, inflammation, etc.), I have to recognize that they all manifested themselves after I got my mRNA vaccinations.

I’m not scared. And I’m not trying to scare you. But if you’ve had your shots and are experiencing any of the above – or other – symptoms (I know three people that recently came down with tinnitus), you may want to educate yourself on the arguments. Pro and con.

I’ve been reading bits and pieces on this subject since I first heard about it. Recently, I found this rather in-depth (for a layman) essay written by Colleen Huber. I know nothing about her. I’m recommending her essay because she doesn’t sound like a nut. She sounds like she understands what she’s saying. And because, although the content is somewhat technical, I was able to understand it pretty easily.

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