My thanks to everyone who wrote in after reading about my knee surgery in the July 7 issue. Here are just a few examples… 

From CS:

“I am glad you are recovering from your knee replacement surgery. The metaphor of the birth through your knee was so funny. Your brain will get better like your knee did, just give it a little more time. Thank you for keeping writing with very interesting topics.”


From WW:

“I have followed [your writing] for years, and have a better perspective for it. As for the knee replacement and rehab, there is a new and brilliant technology that has only been available for around nine months. It will speed up the recovery faster and more efficiently than any traditional method. I will send you the link.”

My Response: Thanks, WW! It’s too late for the right knee. But I will look into it in case I have to replace the left one!


From JJ:

“I thought I was going to need right knee surgery about six months ago. Then I found a book called Built From Broken. Written mostly for weightlifters and strength trainers, I learned that joints can be repaired by slowly lifting heavy weights. I started doing that with a jerry-rigged system I created. I was able to do 3-4 reps with 40 pounds before pain started. Now I can do 10-12 without pain. While the knee isn’t at 100%, and likely never will be, it’s close enough that I’ve ruled out surgery. For now.”

My Response: Thanks, JJ. I’ll keep that (as well as the new technique suggested by WW) in mind if and when the left knee no longer works.