The COVID Response. What We Got Wrong.

A Quick Summary of Where We’re At… 

I’m not finished writing about what so many governments, health organizations, and media outlets got wrong in their reporting and recommendations about COVID-19. There is still much more to cover. But for today, I thought I’d send you two links that repeat some of the information I’ve already collected, as well as some that was new to me.

First, for a quick summary of the most notable acts of misinformation that the English people (and American people… and just about the rest of the world) were told during the first two years of the pandemic, click here.

Yes, they were wrong about the origin of the virus. They were wrong about the case mortality rate. They were wrong about the infection rate. They were wrong about closing schools. They were wrong about mask wearing. And they were wrong about the vaccines. And not just wrong, but historically and hatefully wrong. Click here for a short video on some of the idiocy.