A letter from a young, determined-to-become-wealthy, nephew: 

“I’ve been looking at a lot of art recently as I would like to expand on what I already have. I’ve found this piece and would like to know your opinion on it and if you think it would be a good investment. I have the link below and a picture of it in case the link doesn’t work.”

My response: 

Thanks for asking. No, I don’t think it’s a good investment.

As near as I can tell, this artist has no reputation in the world of “serious” art. He’s not collected by museums. Or institutions. Or wealthy people. He’s just an old fart like me trying to make money selling his art on Artsy.

If you absolutely love his work, buy the least expensive piece you can find (that you like). But expect the value of it to drop by 70% the moment you purchase it. I will explain more by sending you chapters of the book Im writing on this subject. Working title: The Art and Science of Investing in Art. Stay tuned!

– Your Uncle and Art Advisor